Why I Write

I think Gloria Steinem said it best: “Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.” It’s a part of me and always will be. No power on Earth can ever change that. Not to get all biblical or anything, I’m not religious, but choices have consequences. I knew that if I were to fully pursue this as a career/passion, then I would have to face whatever hardships that come my way. There have been many as I try to make a name for myself and I have come to accept the results of my actions. 

I was not born to write like most of the writers and authors out there. I did not pick up a pen before I could walk and talk. I write because I wanted an outlet for my emotions. I can’t express all of them so writing everything down was a way for me to smooth out my feathers as it were. I write because scenes are playing in my mind that are begging to be put down into words. Sometimes it’s not the best scene in the world, but it’s better than staring at a blank page for hours on end. I write to escape from reality, even for a moment where I can be in my own world, creating whatever I want and not let the chaos and destruction of the real world get under my skin.

A piece of advice to other aspiring writers who are chasing the same writing dream I am: never give up and keep on writing. There will be people who will tell you over and over that it will take years before you even gain the slightest amount of fame. I should know, I get enough of that from my family. That’s perfectly fine. Tongues are made to wag after all. Once you have reached that finish line, everything that you have done and sacrificed will have been well worth it. I still have a long way to go if I want the world to know that I am a writer and I am good at my craft. One thing’s for sure: writing is what I do best, and I will never stop doing it. My name is Tiffany C. Lockhart, and I am a fiction writer.