Working Hours

I have been doing freelance work for quite some time now. It was good in the beginning. Getting to set my own hours and getting paid every month. Though this line of work can only get you so far if you didn’t have enough saved up in the first place.

“My office is looking for an in-house photographer,” Tina said. “Really?” I asked. “What kind of photos do they want to take?” Tina shrugged. “Just photos of the fruits and vegetables they sell to potential customers and for the commercials and marketing stuff,” I thought about what she said. I enjoy working as a freelancer, but again, it can’t help pay the bills, so I need a steady source of income.

“Okay, I’ll consider applying for it,” I said. A hopeful look then appeared on my face. “Could you maybe put in a good word for me with your bosses so they have a good impression of me?” Tina hesitated. “I don’t know,” she said. “Are you comfortable working from 9 to 5 every day?” I scoffed. “Of course! I like that I get to wake up at nine and then leave the office at five!” Tina then gave me a confused look. “Uh, Kathrine, that’s not what I meant.” I blinked at her. “What else could you have meant? 9 to 5 means you wake up at nine, go to work and then go home at 5. Everyone knows that!” Tina let out a sigh as she processed my words.

“Nobody thinks that, Kathrine. Working from nine to five does not mean you get up at nine,” she explained. “You have to get to the office by 9am and then leave at 5pm.” I blinked at her again. “What?! I have to be there by nine?! Who came up with that stupid rule?!” Tina sighed again. “It’s not a rule, per se,” she said. “It’s invented by the American Labour Unions in the 1800s and was mainstreamed by Henry Ford in the 1920s.” My shoulders dropped at the prospect of having to get up early. “You’ll still put in a good word for me, right?” I asked. Tina didn’t respond immediately, and I thought my chances were not good.

“I’ll try to put in a good word for you with my bosses,” she said at last. “Though it does not guarantee that the job is yours. You still have to make a good impression at the interview.” Elated, I hugged my friend in gratitude. If I get the job, me and Tina will be coworkers and friends!