
She looked out at the grandeur before her, like all the oceans of the world had come together to create a superstorm. A giant wave rose up from the depths and over the spot where she stood with her camera in her hands. The icy wind blew at her face, sending her long, ink-black hair flying every which way. Her heart raced as she gazed at the angry waves, torn between exhilaration and fear.

“I have to get that photograph,” she murmured. “It will be the greatest work of my career.” She mused as she slowly made her way down the side of the hill, making sure that she doesn’t lose her footing and fall onto the jagged rocks below. Pausing for a brief moment, she held the camera to her eyes and began framing the shot. The beauty of it all was unlike anything she had ever seen in her years as a professional photographer. Nobody does art better than Mother Nature. She thought as she turned the lens to tighten the focus. Pressing the shutter button, she finally captured the rawness of the sea. Smiling to herself, she turned to climb back up the rocks when suddenly, she tripped over a rock, making her lose her footing and fell forward headfirst. Upon instinct, she raised her arms high to protect the camera from being damaged, but her efforts were in vain.

Her head hit one of the rocks with a resounding thud, rendering her unconscious as blood trickled out from the wound. The camera flew from her hands and landed a few metres away, shattered beyond repair. Waves crashed onto the shore, oblivious to the tragedy that occurred. Her once brown eyes slowly darkened as life ebbed away from her. What started out as a quest to preserve a breath-taking scene turned out to be a journey of greed. She let the prospect of fame and fortune get into her head and in the end, paid the ultimate price. It is said that one must dedicate their entire lives to perfecting their craft. She has definitely lived up to that.