New World

My name is Asanashia Renoir, I’m 776 years old though I look 27 in human years, and I attend Sorentia University on the planet Karon. It resembles the blue planet Earth in some fashion, but instead of humans, it is populated with creatures much like myself. Some are winged, some are not. Some have magical abilities while some carry weapons as their source of defense.

It was the start of a new semester and I was searching for one last elective to take. I scanned the virtual course selector and managed to narrow my choices down to two: Planet Creation or Galaxtronics. Seeing as how much I hate anything to do with math, no offense, I decided to choose Planet Creation.

The first day of class was like any other, we all sat on theatre-like seats with table arms on the right side of the seat, half-listening to one Professor Makari go through the course outline. When he got to the part about one of 2 projects worth half our final grade where we each have to create out own planets caught my attention. I sat up as straight as I could, took out my notebook and pen and wrote all the project specifications down.

I then thought about what kind of planet I would create and what creatures I would inhabit my planet with. I figured that I could populate it with griffins, unicorns and tall, immortal elves, each with their own magical ability and knowledge. I then overheard someone sitting next to me tell the person beside them that they’re going to populate their planet with humans and I mentally scoffed at the idea. Humans are simple-minded creatures who wants to take control of everything around them and to populate an entire planet with them is just absurd.

As I finished writing, class was dismissed for the day and for our first assignment, we are to come up with a name for our planet and the materials that we would use to create it. I left the lecture hall with those thoughts in mind, and a small smile made its’ way across my face as an idea begins to form.