Dream Spouse

I am often reminded of the biological clock from the moment I grew from a girl to a woman. My mother lectures me on that subject every chance she gets. I ignored her as best I could, but as the expression goes, no one gets under your skin more than family. On the other hand, as much as I am disinterested in forming romantic relationships with anyone at the moment, it doesn’t hurt to fantasize.

While letting the Sandman work his magic one night, I fell into a deep sleep and entered Dreamland. I dreamt of walking through a beautiful garden filled with the sweet scent of flowers. I saw a tall, well-built figure standing under a blossoming cherry tree. As I approached, I realized that the figure was my dream spouse. They had a warm and comforting presence, with kind eyes that seemed to understand me completely.

We spent the day together, laughing, talking, and enjoying each other’s company. It felt like a perfect day, as if everything in the world was right. My dream spouse was everything I could have ever wanted—supportive, loving, and always there for me. It also helps that his love-making skills are in the stratosphere, but I won’t get into all the smutty details.

When I woke up to stop the blaring sound of my alarm clock, I couldn’t shake the warmth and happiness that the dream had brought me. It made me realize the kind of person I truly wanted—someone who was not just a partner but a faithful companion. The dream gave me hope that such a person was waiting for me.

From that day on, I carried the memory of meeting my dream spouse, using it as a guide in my search for a real-life relationship. I held onto the belief that the qualities I saw in my dream spouse were not just fantasy but something real and attainable. As time passed, I found that my dream spouse had given me the courage and optimism to pursue the most profound love. Eventually, I would have found someone who embodied everything I had dreamt.

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