The Greatest Con

She had no choice. The FBI was never going to give her freedom. She was too much of an asset for them to consider letting her become a free woman. Teresa was right. The Bureau would devise a reason to keep her on a permanent leash. She desperately wanted to be free and be her own person. There’s only one thing to do: Neilina Caffry must die.

It took her a few days to make the necessary arrangements. First, she recruited a few people to pose as paramedics and pathologists. Then, she acquired the materials she needed to erase herself from existence. Well, technically speaking, anyway, as she wasn’t shuffling off this mortal coil any time soon.

Neilina implemented her plan when she, Teresa, and a group of thieves, the White Leopards, stole millions of unmarked cash from the Federal Reserve. When the bags were sent through the pneumatic tubes from the Reserve, she had Teresa siphon about a quarter of the money, enough for both of them to live in luxury for the rest of their lives. Neilina met up with Teresa at a place near Wall Street between the Reserve and the old warehouse where the Leopards were waiting to receive the bags of money. Unfortunately, they ran into a bit of a snafu when Vince McCalle double-crossed them. Neilina managed to turn the tables on him, but it was too late; McCalle somehow took the gun she had from her and shot her in the chest. The double-crosser then took the duffle bag and left Neilina lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood to die.

Days later, after burying his CI turned closest friend, Special Agent Robert Berke sat on his couch in his living room while his wife Amber tended to their baby boy, whom they named Neil in honour of the woman who has become family to them. Suddenly, a knock was heard from the front door, and Robert got up to open it. “Hey, FBI,” Teresa greeted. “I just wanted to drop off something for you.” The bespectacled woman then handed the agent a long wooden box.

“What is it?” Robert asked. “It’s a bottle of the finest Merlot,” Teresa said with a sad smile. “Neilina used to drink it when she dated Alexander.” A sympathetic look crossed Robert’s face. “Would you like to come in?” He asked. Teresa shook her head. “No, not tonight, FBI,” she said. “Maybe next time if you and the Mrs. want to call for a babysitter.” Robert chuckled. “I’ll hold you to that, Ms. Winters.” The latter gave a curt nod before making her leave. Robert then returned to the couch and inspected the bottle of wine. His eyes then widened as realization dawned on him. Neilina and Alexander used specific wine bottles to send messages to each other. “Neilina’s alive,” he breathed. “She faked her death. Neilina Caffry’s greatest con!”

Spousal Immunity

I knew in my gut I shouldn’t have done it. However, if you think about it, I was doing it for the greater good. Besides, I’ve been married to the man for as long as I can remember, so it’s not that difficult, right?

Being the wife of a federal agent has its perks. You get to learn things you can use to protect yourself. One of them is losing someone who’s tailing you. Granted, I once went the other way around and became a tail, but technically, it’s the same. However, the downside to being the wife of a federal agent is that you are constantly worried that your husband may not come home. So, when my husband ended up in a hospital after getting into a severe car accident that left him in a coma for three days, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

“I want you to lie to him,” I told my husband’s CI, Neilina. The former conwoman hesitated, but I was determined. “I need you to keep Robert safe.” Neilina’s lips formed a thin line as she debated internally whether or not she should do as I requested. “You know I’m just a CI, not an FBI agent, Amber,” she said at last. “I don’t have the training or gun necessary to protect Robert.” I let out a sigh. “I know you don’t, Neilina,” I said. “I’m still asking you to do it anyway. I don’t want the next call I receive to be from the city morgue.” Neilina nodded and gave me her word to do as I asked. I thanked her and went back to my husband’s hospital room, hoping that he would wake up soon.

When Robert was finally discharged, he was ordered to recuperate at home as his arm was still healing, and he needed to wear a sling. He was fine the first few days, enjoying a brief vacation from work, but after that, he began to get a little stir-crazy. Neilina kept her word and hid the truth from my husband during his absence. I feel that my G-Man is aware that his consultant is lying to his face, but I need him safe! So, if this is how I will achieve that, that’s what it will be! Besides, I can always claim spousal immunity.

Con Improvement

It takes a lot of skill,

To be the best conwoman.

Finesse and charm are required,

If one wants to fool the target.

Maybe throw in some seduction,

As part of the deception arsenal.

However, if another wishes for a life of crime,

They must learn to improve the con.

The Night the Music Died

It was a dark evening at the piano bar. She played a song that expressed the thoughts of everyone in the room. Broken souls will never mend, and the world will drift on with their wounds still fresh in their hearts.

Her hands glided across the ivory keys with fluid grace. Playing each note as if the song itself was made for her and her alone. She poured her heart into the performance, displaying her emotions for all to see.

A man wearing a black fedora sat at a table close to the stage, quietly observing her as she played the grand piano. His eyes softened as he listened to the melody of her song, transfixed by the music as well as the performer. She was unlike any woman he had ever seen, yet he knows that he cannot have her. Why would an enchanting lady like her want to be with a white collar police detective like him?

As the last notes of the song echoed through the bar, everyone politely applauded. The man took the social protocol as his cue to leave. He got up from his chair and waded through the crowd, making his way to the door. The cold night air blew upon his face as he exited the warmth of the bar. He pulled his trench coat collar up to keep himself warm and walked along the dimly lit sidewalk. 

Suddenly, a piercing scream erupted from the darkness, alerting the detective. He ran back toward the piano bar, drawing his department-issued weapon from its holster. He tried to open the doors, but they were locked. The detective then made his way to the back of the bar, figuring that the back entrance will grant him access.

When he turned the corner, his eyes went wide with shock. There, lying on the black asphalt, was her. He dropped his weapon onto the ground and rushed to her side, checking for any signs of life. Her once beautiful midnight blue eyes are now dull and lifeless; her black satin dress ripped at the seams. He held her close to his chest like he always dreamed, only she will never return his loving embrace. He will forever remember this night. The night that the music died.

White Collar: Caffrey’s Greatest Con

The popular crime drama “White Collar” said au revoir  to their devoted viewers on Thursday, December 18 with a series finale that left us wanting more. The show has captured the hearts of viewers and fans, showcasing not only awesome capers that paid tribute to classic heist films like How to Steal a Million or The Thomas Crown Affair; but also great relationships. Agent Peter Burke was the father that Neal Caffrey wished that he had: a man who always believed in him and will stop at nothing to keep him safe.

After pulling the ultimate con(aka faking his own death), art thief/FBI consultant Neal Caffrey flew off to Paris. Meanwhile, Peter Burke mourned the loss of his charge and best friend until he discovered Neal’s secret storage container a year later, filled to the brim with medical research, including a piece on blowfish poison; and a newspaper article about the Louvre’s upgraded security system. With a small smile, Peter realized that his partner in crime (so to speak) was still very much alive.

It was beyond heart-breaking to watch Neal die right in front of us; but it was more fitting than any ending that anyone could have ever hoped for. There was even a cameo by show runners Jeff Eastin and Jeff King dressed as homeless guys talking to Mozzie! As we watched Neal walk down the streets of Paris, we know that the world is right again and the sharp-dressed art thief lives to con another day.

Perhaps one day, Peter, Elizabeth, and baby Neal will take a trip Paris and run into their old friend. I’m sure that there wasn’t a dry eye in the house as Neal said on his stretcher/deathbed to Peter: “You’re the only one who ever saw the good in me. You’re my best friend.” We always saw the good in you Neal, and we always will. Thank you, “White Collar”, for an amazing and unforgettable 6 years.