Eight Ball

It was a test I had to pass. A notorious thief is looking to form a crew to steal something from an art museum. Some rich spoiled brat wanted a priceless artifact to add to their collection. The downside is that the museum refused to sell it as the artifact is part of their collection, making it priceless. I was sent undercover, posing as a thief looking for my next job. My boss told me that my skills would be tested in a game of billiards, which made me smile. Time to channel my inner pool shark.

I showed up at the venue with my trusty pool cue, ready to take on whoever I played against. A brief look of shock appeared as I realized that I would be playing the person who would hire me. The atmosphere in the rooftop club soon went from smooth and mellow to nervous electric, with the sound of balls clacking and the murmur of intense concentration filling the air. My opponent and I were locked in a fierce battle, each taking turns sinking shots with precision and skill. Every move was met with a nod of respect or a muttered curse as we pushed ourselves to the limit.

As the game progressed, the tension in the room grew thicker, and the pressure seemed to hang heavy in the air. The crowd around us had grown in size, drawn in by the dramatic back-and-forth nature of our match. Every shot felt like a make-or-break moment, and the stakes seemed to rise with each passing minute. I felt like I had the game in the bag, but there was a cost for celebrating an early victory.

With the score deadlocked and only the eight ball remaining on the table, I could feel the weight of the moment settling on my shoulders. My heart pounded, and my palms were drenched in sweat. I took a deep breath, lined up my shot, and sunk the ball into the corner pocket with a resounding thud. The room exploded into a cacophony of cheers and applause as I revelled in the intoxicating taste of triumph. My soon-to-be employer was impressed and hired me on the spot. I smiled and thanked him as I reminisced my winning shot. It was a game that would forever be etched in my memory.

Staying Dead

They did what they had to do. The boss had a way of making things look realistic and believable. She went along with it because the former wanted her to go on a mission for him. Everyone she cared about was led to believe that she had parted from this world when, in reality, she was still very much alive.

Her missions took her all over the globe. Some almost cost her her life, and she would’ve been dead. For real, this time. Whenever she returned from a mission, a new one awaited her. There had been moments when she just wanted to take a break from it all, but then she remembered that she was only doing this to keep Earth safe. “It’s for the greater good,” her boss would say before handing her another top-secret file. She would nod and then listen attentively as he briefed her.

When her friends discovered that she was alive all this time, they were shocked, to say the least. Questions bombarded her as they all inquired how she could fake her death and keep it that way. She answered them as best she could, hoping that her answers would satisfy their curiosities. Her boss found her sitting in the briefing room afterwards, seemingly deep in thought.

“I suppose your friends are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that you’re still in the world of the living,” he said. “Yeah,” she replied with a chuckle. “Though I’ve set their minds at ease by telling them everything, albeit omitting a few gory details, of course.” Her boss laughed. “I wouldn’t have chosen you to work for me if I didn’t think you were the best person for the job,” he said. “Granted, I didn’t expect one of my best agents to fall in love with their targets, for lack of a better word.” A sad look appeared on her face as she remembered the love of her life. He had been killed in a car explosion she didn’t see coming until it was too late. It’s one thing to be dead, but it’s another to stay dead.

Cyber Robin Hood

We all know the story of Robin Hood. A vigilante who stole from the rich to give to the poor. How would you feel if I told you that the legends are real?

“Make sure to complete the wire transfer by the end of the day!” The CEO ordered. “Our clients are our highest priority, and they want their money on time!” The secretary jotted down notes in her agenda and nodded. “Yes, sir, I’ll get the transfer started right away,” she said as she walked out of her boss’s office and back to her desk. The CEO watched her leave, his eyes glued to her curvaceous behind as his mind conjured up inappropriate thoughts.

When the secretary returned to her desk, she immediately accessed the company bank account to transfer the money to one of their biggest clients. As she entered the amount to be transferred, her computer suddenly froze. She tried clicking every button she could find but to no avail. Thinking that she should do a force shut-down, she pressed the power button on the top of the CPU and powered off the device.

Moments later, she pushed it again to turn the computer back on, hoping everything would work properly. When she reaccessed the company’s bank account, her eyes widened as she saw that a large sum was missing. Her first thought was to report it to the authorities, but what about her boss? Shouldn’t he be the first to know about this and then let law enforcement handle it? Taking a breath, she got up from her chair and went to her boss’s office, hoping she wouldn’t be fired over this.

The police soon showed up after she had alerted her boss about the situation and called 911. To her surprise, the CEO had consoled her, telling her that what happened wasn’t her fault and she still had a job at the company. The two officers then took statements from all the employees, including her boss, and promised to keep them apprised of the investigation.

Weeks had passed since the incident, and the secretary was worried that the money was long gone. Suddenly, her desk phone started to ring, and when she answered it, the officer who was solving the case informed her of the progress. It turns out that the company’s bank account was hacked by an unknown third party. “They call themselves Cyber Robin Hood,” the officer said over the phone. “We have dealt with them before, and I’m confident there’s a good chance of getting the money back.” The secretary sighed in relief and thanked the officer for the update. As soon as she hung up, she discreetly pulled out her cell phone and sent a quick text message: “Our cover is about to be blown. Initiate Operation Little John!”

Cirque du Passé

It was a crisp autumn day in the city. Asanashia was sitting in her favourite chair, her nose buried in a good book, when the doorbell rang. Miffed that her peaceful reading time was being disturbed, the cat-eared, Pegasus-winged vampiress got up from her seat and threw open the door, ready to give whoever was on the other side a taste of her telekinetic powers.

“Hey, Asanashia!” Lucy greeted, a big smile on her angelic face. “Lucy,” Asanashia said, her voice laced with surprise. “What are you doing here?” The former Lightbringer thrust her phone in the vampiress’s face. “The circus?” Asanashia inquired. “Yeah, they’re in town for a few days, and I thought we could go,” Lucy said excitedly. “You know, you could’ve called first instead of showing up unexpectedly at my door,” Asanashia said, crossing her arms in semi-annoyance. The Lady of Hell rolled her eyes. “That would take all the fun out of showing you the flyer,” Lucy said, plastering on a devilish grin. The vampiress shook her head, wondering what she did to have a friend like Lucy Morningstar.

The two friends soon arrived at the circus. The Queen of Hell took in the grandeur of the Big Top; her hazelnut brown eyes glittered with childlike wonder. “This place is so cool,” Lucy breathed. “Hell is like a circus, to an extent, but none of the tortured souls can perform tricks,” Asanashia said nothing in response as she followed her friend, making their way to the main tent.

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Children of all ages! To the Moonlight Circus!” The ringmaster exclaimed as spectators entered. “We have lots of fun and death-defying acts that will leave you at the edge of your seats!” Asanashia inwardly scoffed at the ringmaster’s words as she glanced at the clowns and acrobats that came out into the centre of the ring. When a tall, ruggedly handsome and muscular man wearing an outfit that reminded her of Aladdin appeared alongside a brunette wearing a sequinned burgundy bodysuit, her midnight-blue orbs widened. Out of all the places she could have bumped into them, it had to be the circus. “Special Agent Borianez and Dr. Brenan,” Asanashia said under her breath. “What are you two doing here in the name of Azera?”

Battlefield Romance

She had infiltrated the army dressed like a man. She had no choice. Her father served in the army years ago and broke his leg. He could barely walk let alone fight. So she did what she felt was right, even if it meant facing certain death should they find her out.

The first few days of training did not get off to a very good start. The lieutenant made them do some simple drills to see which areas needed more work. She tried to keep up with the rest of the recruits, but couldn’t because she wasn’t strong enough. Silently berating herself for being weak, she vowed she would train harder and become the best soldier this country has ever seen.

As days turn into months, the amateur soldiers were able to grasp the necessary skills for battle and warfare. She smiled to herself at the vast improvement she’d made. Even the Captain was impressed by her quick learning curve. “Maybe it’s time I start training these men myself,” he said, watching discreetly from his tent.

The Captain called for the soldiers to assemble when the sun rose the next morning. Everyone scrambled from their bunks and lined up ramrod straight, awaiting the next order from their commanding officer. “Today,” the Captain said. “We will learn hand-to-hand combat,” the Captain then removed his shirt, revealing his well-toned, muscular chest and stomach. Peeking out from the lineup, her eyes widened. Ooh…Mama like! She mused, taking in the Captain’s fine physique. A strange tingle came from between her legs, making her shudder in electric pleasure.

That night, while she lay in her makeshift tent outside the army base, her thoughts drifted to the handsome Captain. “Get a grip, woman!” She chastised herself. “You’re here to fight in a war, not look for your Price Charming!” Huffing, she flipped onto her side, pulled the thin blanket over her head and shut her eyes, hoping to get some sleep before waking up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. She tossed and turned for a couple more hours before she drifted off into Dreamland, where her battlefield romance became reality.

For Queen and Country

A tall, hourglass-figured, stunningly beautiful woman sat in her seat in Business Class. Her midnight-blue eyes staring out of the small window. Tears gathered, preparing to fall should she close her alluring orbs. Her mind flashed with memories of what she had done. She hoped that those she loved will forgive her in time.

72 Hours Ago

“Ivanov has a thing for brunettes,” her boss said, throwing down a folder on her desk. “You’ll need to go undercover and use your feminine wiles to get information from him.” Elena inwardly cringed at the thought but quickly compartmentalized. The work that she’s doing is done for the greater good, to jeopardize it would be unthinkable. “It’s for Queen and country,” Elena said to herself, steeling her resolve. The job comes first, she’ll worry about the decay in her moral fibre later. “At least this time I don’t have to dye my hair,” she muttered as she prepared to go on the undercover assignment.

The Russian mobster pushed her up quite roughly against the hotel room door after the party ended, his liquor-coated lips ravaging hers. Elena used all of her willpower not to use her training to render the man unconscious. She felt his growing erection rubbing against her, and she told herself over and over not to throw up. Ivanov then moved a hand up her dark purple dress, exposing her light pink cotton panties. Elena gasped as he pulled the undergarment aside and pushed two fingers into her. She allowed a breathy, husky moan to escape her parted lips as he fucked her with his fingers. The main event came shortly after, and she had to imagine doing this with her loving husband back home rather than in a fancy hotel with an evil mobster boss.

When it was over, he spooned her on the bed, holding her close as if she is his significant other. Elena tried to make it look like she was asleep, but she couldn’t. After making sure Ivanov is in Dreamland, Elena slowly got up from the bed. She made her way to the bathroom where she quickly showered and dressed. As she left the hotel room, she contacted her team, telling them they have to find another way to get the information they need because she is never doing this again.

Just then, a flight attendant walked by after tending to the other passengers, snapping her out of her reverie. “Is everything alright, Ma’am?” She asked after seeing the telltale sparkle of tears. The woman turned to the attendant, giving her a watery smile. “Yes, everything’s fine,” she said. “I’m sorry if I disturbed the other passengers.” The attendant flashed her a smile, saying it’s alright and if she wanted something to drink. Elena thought for a moment. “I’d like a Bloody Mary please,” she said. The attendant nodded and walked off to make her the drink. Elena then turned her eyes back to the window,  wondering if she’ll still have a job at MI6 after this.

Secret Family Rendezvous

“I’m not going on the mission,” Jaimy said as she handed over her communication device. Susanne stared at her friend and colleague incredulously, confused as to why she’s refusing to go on the mission. “We may not get the chance to see our loved ones while we have a target on our backs,” Sulivan said, hoping that the tech genius would get the meaning behind his words.

“I can see my Dad,” Susanne breathed, her eyes glazed over with tears. She took the comms from Jaimy and gave the latter a hug out of gratitude. “Thank you,” she whispered before pulling away. Jaimy smiled and told her to say “hi” to her father for her. Susanne nodded before leaving the underground bunker for a science conference in Helsinki.

When Sulivan and Susanne arrived at the convention centre where the conference is being held, they saw a tall, slim man wearing a suit with a whimsy bow tie. It took all of Susanne’s willpower not to run up to the man. They walked up to Dr. William Sanford to introduce themselves under their undercover identities. Dr. Sanford immediately recognized his little girl and was about to greet her when Susanne suddenly spoke. “Hello, Dr. Sanford, I’ve heard quite a lot about your work in Mechanical Engineering. I look forward to seeing your presentation on your current project.” Dr. Sanford, after recovering from his shock that his daughter doesn’t seem to recognize him, shook her hand with a polite smile and the three of them entered the building.

Moments after the identification close call at the security check-in, Susanne took her father by the arm and went to a more private area of the convention centre. She then hugged him for all she was worth, whispering her love in his ear. Dr. Sanford hugged his little girl back, telling her the same. “Okay, Dad, I need you to do something for me,” Susanne said when she pulled away. “When you see the FBI Director, tell him to go to the dressing room on the west side of the building, just say that to him and you can leave.” Dr. Sanford nodded and hugged his daughter again, telling her to be careful or he would have to answer to her mother. Susanne gave her father a small crooked smile before making her way back to Sulivan, hoping that this whole mess would be over soon.