Eight Ball

It was a test I had to pass. A notorious thief is looking to form a crew to steal something from an art museum. Some rich spoiled brat wanted a priceless artifact to add to their collection. The downside is that the museum refused to sell it as the artifact is part of their collection, making it priceless. I was sent undercover, posing as a thief looking for my next job. My boss told me that my skills would be tested in a game of billiards, which made me smile. Time to channel my inner pool shark.

I showed up at the venue with my trusty pool cue, ready to take on whoever I played against. A brief look of shock appeared as I realized that I would be playing the person who would hire me. The atmosphere in the rooftop club soon went from smooth and mellow to nervous electric, with the sound of balls clacking and the murmur of intense concentration filling the air. My opponent and I were locked in a fierce battle, each taking turns sinking shots with precision and skill. Every move was met with a nod of respect or a muttered curse as we pushed ourselves to the limit.

As the game progressed, the tension in the room grew thicker, and the pressure seemed to hang heavy in the air. The crowd around us had grown in size, drawn in by the dramatic back-and-forth nature of our match. Every shot felt like a make-or-break moment, and the stakes seemed to rise with each passing minute. I felt like I had the game in the bag, but there was a cost for celebrating an early victory.

With the score deadlocked and only the eight ball remaining on the table, I could feel the weight of the moment settling on my shoulders. My heart pounded, and my palms were drenched in sweat. I took a deep breath, lined up my shot, and sunk the ball into the corner pocket with a resounding thud. The room exploded into a cacophony of cheers and applause as I revelled in the intoxicating taste of triumph. My soon-to-be employer was impressed and hired me on the spot. I smiled and thanked him as I reminisced my winning shot. It was a game that would forever be etched in my memory.


Answers to every test,

Unlocks every door.

Makes up the soul of the piano,

As it sings enchanted notes.

Opens chests of treasure,

Buried beneath the earth.

Keeping diaries from prying eyes,

Wanting to uncover darkest secrets.

It must not be given away lightly,

Especially the one to our hearts.


I know I have it,

Hell, I even used it.

Though there’re moments,

Where I would start to lose it.

Things will begin to annoy me,

Testing the threshold of my sanity.

Deep breaths only help so much,

Believe me, I have tried.

Whoever said,

“Your patience will be rewarded”?


Millions of thoughts,

Forming into ideas.

Most will fail and be discarded,

Or even forgotten.

But some will grow into,

Something wonderful and good.

Perhaps a story told throughout history,

Maybe a book that stands the test of time.

Yet the most important thing,

Is give your ideas a chance.

No Tears

“Crying never solves anything! No amount of tears will be able to undo what you’ve done!” The mother said harshly to her daughter. The girl had tried to cover up the fact that she changed her mark on a math test. She should’ve known better than to tamper with the grade. You got away with it once, but you can’t get away with it twice. She thought as more tears rolled down her face. Why did I think that I could? She thought again as her mother continued to lecture her.

“What kind of daughter are you?!” Her mother seethed. “Why can’t you be more like other people’s children?” The girl flinched at those words. If there’s one thing that she hates the most, is being compared to other people’s children. She knows that she’s not as smart as them, but she tries her best to make her parents proud. Though nothing I do is good enough for them. She lamented. No matter how hard I try, they will find a way to kick me when I’m down. She thought miserably.

“If you ever pull something like this again, I will make you regret it, understand?” Her mother said, delivering her ultimatum. The girl sniffled as she nodded and turned to head upstairs to her bedroom. She opened her closet door and sat in the cramped space. Closing the door as quietly as she could, she let the tears fall once again. I can never be the daughter that they want me to be. She thought as she cried harder and harder.  Why can’t they just leave me alone instead of forcing me to go down a path that they made?  Wiping her face with the back of her hand, she rested her head on her knees, letting the darkness consume her.

Maybe I’m better off dead. She mused. It’s not like anyone is going to mourn me.

It’s A Short Life: TV Shows

Hello, dearest readers, welcome to a new segment called “It’s A Short Life”! Today we will be discussing the unfortunate downfall of some popular and unpopular TV shows that didn’t last the test of time, like “The Following”, “Constantine”, “American Idol”, “State of Affairs” and many others.

When an idea arises for either a new television show/series or one that’s already in progress, it all comes down to how many people, either those who are unfamiliar with the show/series or those who have been watching from the beginning and if the storyline is captivating enough to make the viewers wait in anticipation for the next episode or season. Though there are cases where the storyline, though good in the production team’s eyes, is not good enough in the viewer’s eyes, like “Constantine”, which only lasted for only one season. The same for two of the “CSI” spin-offs, “CSI: Miami” and “CSI: NY”, the storyline was good from the very beginning and they both lasted as long as they could, but due to what I think is a decline in the quality of the storyline, the network has no choice but to cancel both shows.

Another reason is, of course, the number of viewers per episode. If each episode gets more and more viewers as the show progresses, then there is a chance that it might be renewed for another season or maybe an entire series. If that number gets lower and lower as more and more episodes air, then there is a very good chance that the show will get axed. Hopefully, no more shows will be cancelled or else we would have nothing to watch.