Eight Ball

It was a test I had to pass. A notorious thief is looking to form a crew to steal something from an art museum. Some rich spoiled brat wanted a priceless artifact to add to their collection. The downside is that the museum refused to sell it as the artifact is part of their collection, making it priceless. I was sent undercover, posing as a thief looking for my next job. My boss told me that my skills would be tested in a game of billiards, which made me smile. Time to channel my inner pool shark.

I showed up at the venue with my trusty pool cue, ready to take on whoever I played against. A brief look of shock appeared as I realized that I would be playing the person who would hire me. The atmosphere in the rooftop club soon went from smooth and mellow to nervous electric, with the sound of balls clacking and the murmur of intense concentration filling the air. My opponent and I were locked in a fierce battle, each taking turns sinking shots with precision and skill. Every move was met with a nod of respect or a muttered curse as we pushed ourselves to the limit.

As the game progressed, the tension in the room grew thicker, and the pressure seemed to hang heavy in the air. The crowd around us had grown in size, drawn in by the dramatic back-and-forth nature of our match. Every shot felt like a make-or-break moment, and the stakes seemed to rise with each passing minute. I felt like I had the game in the bag, but there was a cost for celebrating an early victory.

With the score deadlocked and only the eight ball remaining on the table, I could feel the weight of the moment settling on my shoulders. My heart pounded, and my palms were drenched in sweat. I took a deep breath, lined up my shot, and sunk the ball into the corner pocket with a resounding thud. The room exploded into a cacophony of cheers and applause as I revelled in the intoxicating taste of triumph. My soon-to-be employer was impressed and hired me on the spot. I smiled and thanked him as I reminisced my winning shot. It was a game that would forever be etched in my memory.

Secret Family Rendezvous

“I’m not going on the mission,” Jaimy said as she handed over her communication device. Susanne stared at her friend and colleague incredulously, confused as to why she’s refusing to go on the mission. “We may not get the chance to see our loved ones while we have a target on our backs,” Sulivan said, hoping that the tech genius would get the meaning behind his words.

“I can see my Dad,” Susanne breathed, her eyes glazed over with tears. She took the comms from Jaimy and gave the latter a hug out of gratitude. “Thank you,” she whispered before pulling away. Jaimy smiled and told her to say “hi” to her father for her. Susanne nodded before leaving the underground bunker for a science conference in Helsinki.

When Sulivan and Susanne arrived at the convention centre where the conference is being held, they saw a tall, slim man wearing a suit with a whimsy bow tie. It took all of Susanne’s willpower not to run up to the man. They walked up to Dr. William Sanford to introduce themselves under their undercover identities. Dr. Sanford immediately recognized his little girl and was about to greet her when Susanne suddenly spoke. “Hello, Dr. Sanford, I’ve heard quite a lot about your work in Mechanical Engineering. I look forward to seeing your presentation on your current project.” Dr. Sanford, after recovering from his shock that his daughter doesn’t seem to recognize him, shook her hand with a polite smile and the three of them entered the building.

Moments after the identification close call at the security check-in, Susanne took her father by the arm and went to a more private area of the convention centre. She then hugged him for all she was worth, whispering her love in his ear. Dr. Sanford hugged his little girl back, telling her the same. “Okay, Dad, I need you to do something for me,” Susanne said when she pulled away. “When you see the FBI Director, tell him to go to the dressing room on the west side of the building, just say that to him and you can leave.” Dr. Sanford nodded and hugged his daughter again, telling her to be careful or he would have to answer to her mother. Susanne gave her father a small crooked smile before making her way back to Sulivan, hoping that this whole mess would be over soon.

No Good Deed

She thought that she was helping. That she was actually making a difference instead of making a mess of things. As she gazed at the chaos that was unfolding before her very eyes, she knew that she had, quite literally, fucked up.

“Alright, does everyone know what they have to do?” The leader asked. Silence greeted him as no one said a word. “This has to go off without a hitch! If one of you screws up, the whole thing goes kaput so I ask again, do you all know what to do?” The team all then responded in the affirmative before the leader ordered them to move out. She held on tight to her gun as she followed her fellow teammates out, hoping that she will never have to use it.

When they arrived at the location, their cover was instantly blown. Someone had alerted their target that they were coming. There were bullets and bodies everywhere as what should be a simple apprehension turned into a full-on bloodbath. She was able to avoid firing her weapon until she came face to face with the top boss. All the training that she went through all disappeared from her mind. She stood in front of him, her hands clutching her gun to her chest, eyes wide like a deer caught in blinding headlights.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” The towering man said with a sneer. “A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be fighting a man’s battles.” He said, sneer still in place. “How about you put down that gun and come with me? I can show you how the other side lives.” He then reached out a hand for her to take, but instead of taking it, she pulled on it and the man’s face came within inches of hers. “The answer, I’m afraid, is no.” She then pointed her gun at him and fired.

The man doubled over in pain before falling onto the ground in a pool of his own blood. The leader and the rest of the team then came rushing in to see what happened. The leader let out a frustrated growl as he exclaimed, “Your orders were not to shoot the target! We’re supposed to bring him in so that he could answer for his crimes! Now we can’t do that because he’s dead!” The leader then huffed as he turned to order the other team members to head out. As the adrenaline seeped out of her, she remembered the adage that no good deed goes unpunished. It looks like it was right.


The mission was simple. Sneak into the wedding, knock out the evil General and then go home. The downside? Going undercover as a married couple. We may bicker like one, but we certainly aren’t one. We managed to infiltrate the wedding party and fooled a few people that we’re actually married, an added bonus to being trained spies.

“Do you ever see us like this?” I asked my partner while lying beside her on a picnic blanket. “Like what? A married couple?” She replied, an incredulous look on her face. “Yeah,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “I thought that we are just partners in all this,” she said. “That we’re not ever going to get emotionally involved with each other because that would affect the work that we do.” I looked away as I processed her words. It’s true that we drew the line at a personal relationship if it ever came to that, but I’m a feelings kind of guy. If I end up risking my career over love, then at least it will have been worth it.

“Well, maybe we should take a risk. I mean, we’re spies, after all, what we do is risky in every way.” I said, looking into her eyes. She smiled that infectious smile as she leaned in close to me, her lips kiss-close to mine. Then just as I was about to close the gap, she leaned back and said as she got up from the blanket, “I’ll see you back at the room.” I could do nothing but watch her go back into the chateau.

I made my own way back to the house shortly after my partner and when I rounded a corner, I saw her passionately making out with one of the guests. A part of me want to go tear them apart and give that guy a piece of my mind for kissing my pretend wife, but I remained glued to the spot as my heart broke into pieces. Yes, I, Agent Jase Foley, am hopelessly in love with my beautiful, kick-ass partner. I know that she will never feel the same way, but a man can dream. Though I have to come to terms with the reality that this loving relationship that we are presenting to everyone is nothing but a façade.

If You’ll Have Me

He wasn’t supposed to be here. The lieutenant sidelined him, and his partner continued the investigation with another detective. He decided to crash the party,  discreetly, of course, he didn’t want to get fired, by going to the art gala under the pretense of a wealthy art collector. Sitting at the bar with a tumbler of the finest scotch in hand, he watched as his partner made small talk with the rest of the guests. The other detective put a hand on her waist and pulled her closer, and it made his blood boil. It should be ME standing beside her, not him! He mentally seethed, watching the scene before him as jealousy reared its ugly head.

You were the one that left her, remember? When you had to go to the next city to investigate The Sinner for those mysterious deaths? His mind piped up. Shame washed over him as he remembered his sudden departure without so much as a goodbye. His partner had called him many times while he was away, but he never once returned her calls, putting all his focus on finding The Sinner and bring him to justice. Now I’m pushing her away into the arms of another man. He thought sadly, gulping down his drink. At that moment, he knew that he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He can’t stop loving her.

Tossing back the last of his scotch, he placed the glass down on the counter and made his way toward his partner. “May I have this dance?” He asked when he reached her. A deep scowl appeared on the other detective’s face. “We are undercover trying to flush out the killer,” He said through gritted teeth. “You are ruining our chances by being here. Please leave before you expose our true identities.” Paying the other man no mind, he gazed intently at his partner, silently hoping that she will accept his request.

“Alright, one dance and that’s it.” She said at last, putting her hand in his. Smiling widely for the first time, he led her toward the dance floor as a soft jazz number began to play. They swayed together to the music like seasoned professionals. She gazed into his eyes as they moved with fluid grace, desperately wanting to stay on the friendship line. Though if she were honest with herself, she had crossed over that line long ago. All too soon the dance was over as the lingering notes of the song echoed through the air. “Thank you for the dance,” She said. “I have to go.” He wanted to say something, but the words were caught in his throat. He then smiled softly at her and watched her leave.

Later that night, when the killer had been apprehended, he laid in his bed while his mind played and replayed the dance that he shared with his partner. “I left without saying goodbye because I want to protect you.” He whispered, forming the words that he wished that he said. “I can’t bear to lose you. I know that sorry doesn’t cut it, but if this is where it all ends, then I need you to know that I am deeply sorry.” He would then stare into her beautiful eyes and kissed her with all the love that he has. “I want you. Just you. I want us. If you’ll have me.”


On a warm summer night in Sin City, an ordinary looking couple sat in a distinguished five-star restaurant. The place was filled with patrons of all kinds, including a local gang known as The Dracaris. They were notorious for causing chaos wherever they go and doing whatever they please. The LVPD have done everything in their power to stop them, but their efforts have been for naught. Until now. The couple is none other than Detective Stanton and Lucy Morningstar. They are posing as a pair of lovers to apprehend The Dracaris gang and bring them to justice.

“Do you think they’re onto us?” Lucy asked, feeling a bit paranoid as a few of the gang members stole glances at her and her partner. “I don’t think so,” The detective said in a reassuring tone. “If they were, we’d be in a shootout right now.” The former Princess of Darkness hummed in agreement as she went back to eating her food. A few minutes passed when suddenly, Detective Stanton said, “Lucy, there’s something that I have to tell you.”

Confused, the Queen of Hell wanted to ask what the detective wants to say to her. The homicide detective then got up from his seat and got down on one knee. “Lucy, from the moment that we met, I didn’t like you. You are brash, you do whatever you want, and you don’t care for the rules.” The fallen angel scoffed. “I know that we are different, Nicolas. Dad knows we are.” Lucy said. “Now will you please get up? Everyone is staring at us!” The Lady of Hell finished in a stage whisper.

The homicide detective, however, made no move to get up. Instead, he continued on, “I know that this may come across as moving too fast, but I love you, Lucy. Nothing would make me happier than to spend forever with you.” Detective Stanton then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened the box and revealed the most beautiful African Amethyst ring. “I love you with everything I have. Lucy Samantha Morningstar, will you be my forever?” The former Princess of Darkness stared at the ring and at the detective, her mind in turmoil. I can’t believe that he is proposing! Lucy thought, panic coursing through her being. Should I say yes and marry him? Or should I reject him and break his heart?


I am not who I say I am,

My identity hidden from all.

What was supposed to be routine,

Took a turn for the worst.

The mission was simple,

I knew what to do.

Yet karma seems to be against me,

Raising obstacles after every move.

Odds of success were not in my favour,

As Lady Luck deemed me unworthy.

Made the best out of a bad situation,

Determined to finish what I started.

The world may not know me,

To them, I’m just a nameless killer.

But now they will know,

The face behind the lowered hood.

My real name is  Asanashia Renoir,

And I’m here to bring justice.