Macro Beauty

Jennette, a dedicated macro photographer, invests her heart and soul into capturing the intricate details of small subjects. Her relentless pursuit of tiny creatures and objects, whether in gardens, forests, or her backyard, is a testament to her unwavering passion for her chosen profession.

What truly distinguishes Jennette in her macro photography is not just her patience but also her singular perspective. Her images of insects, flowers, and other miniature wonders unveil a hidden realm of beauty and complexity, exposing the delicate patterns of the Monarch butterfly’s wings, the translucent petals of a dew-covered flower deep within the forest, and the intricate structures of tiny insects she discovers locally or on her various trips around the globe.

As Jennette’s portfolio grew, so did her reputation. Her work was featured in nature magazines, art galleries, and online publications, earning her recognition and admiration from fellow photographers and nature enthusiasts who often compared her photographs to those from BBC Earth’s Planet Earth series.

One day, while exploring a local nature reserve, Jennette stumbled upon a rare and elusive species of orchid that few people had ever seen. With her macro lens, she captured the exquisite details of the flower, from its velvety light purple petals to its detailed markings, creating a series of breathtaking photographs that showcased the orchid’s innate beauty. Jennette clicked through the pictures on her camera and was pleased that she had taken some pretty good ones. She then envisioned accepting an award for Best Photography, thanking her family and friends for their endless support. Snapping out of her Photography Oscars daydream, Jennette quickly gathered her bearings and continued into the deepest parts of the reserve, searching for anything else worth photographing.

Jennette’s macro photography is not merely a medium for sharing the hidden beauty of the natural world; it is a catalyst for a profound shift in perspective. Her work inspires people to appreciate the often-overlooked wonders under their noses, urging them to slow down, look closely, and marvel at the extraordinary details around us. We only have one planet to call home, and unless we all become billionaires and shell out the money to ride in a rocket to Mars, we must cherish and appreciate the blue and green marble that is Earth.

Subway Squabble

The station was empty save for a few stragglers. Even the train conductors and station workers have all gone home for the day. It seemed like nothing was out of the ordinary. Well, except for one tiny little thing.

“Hey, you! You got some explaining to do!” A dark-gray mouse yelled, his tiny paws balled up into fists. “What? What did I do?” A light gray mouse asked, confusion clearly written across his whiskered face. “You know exactly what you did!” The dark-gray mouse said through gritted teeth. “And I’m going to make you pay dearly for it!” At that, the dark-gray mouse leaped up into the air, raising a tiny fist ready to strike the light gray mouse.

“Dude, calm down! Let’s talk about this!” The light gray mouse exclaimed, clumsily dodging the dark-gray mouse’s punches. “I’m sure we can come to some sort of agreement!” The dark-gray mouse paid no mind to the light gray mouse’s pleas as he continued to throw punches at the latter.

“Talk?! You want to talk? After what you did? I don’t friggin’ think so, pal!” The dark-gray mouse growled if mice could growl. “I’m going to beat you to a pulp!” The light gray mouse squeaked as he hightailed it, running as fast as his little feet could carry him. “Get back here, you little traitor!” The dark-gray mouse bellowed. “Come out and face me like a mouse!” The light gray mouse said nothing as he hid behind the wall of the station, catching his breath as adrenaline coursed through his tiny body.

A few minutes passed and the light gray mouse perked up his ears to listen for anything that might tell him that the dark-gray mouse is still on his tail. When silence greeted him, he thought that the coast was clear. Heaving a sigh of relief, he came out of his hiding spot and was about to make his way home when suddenly, the dark-gray mouse came out of nowhere, effectively putting him in a chokehold. The light gray mouse struggled to get free, but the dark-gray mouse’s grip was too tight.

“Come on, man! Let me go!” The light gray mouse begged as the dark-gray mouse squeezed his throat, preventing any air from entering his lungs. “No! Not until you answer for what you did!” The light gray mouse continued to struggle when a booming voice echoed through the empty station: “Cease this squabble at once!” The two mice then quickly pulled away as if they were shocked by electricity. “Hey, boss! Didn’t see you there!” The dark-gray mouse said sheepishly. “I was just teaching this idiot here some manners.” The large black mouse hummed in response and turned his attention to the light gray mouse.

“What has he done?” He asked, keeping his gaze on the light gray mouse. The dark-gray mouse then scurried over and said, “He knows what he did, boss, I don’t think that it bears repeating.” The black mouse hummed again as he gave the dark-gray mouse a sideways glance. “Tell me what it is, or you can suffer alongside him.” Gulping, the dark-gray mouse told the black mouse everything and as soon as the last word left his lips, the black mouse dismissed him, saying that he will deal with him later.

The mouse leader then got into the light gray mouse’s personal space and said, “I’m not going to pummel you, instead, I’m going to be generous and let you go.” The light gray mouse was elated and expressed his thanks, but the black mouse cut him off. “On one condition: That you never return here again or else!” The light gray mouse nodded before turning and scurrying away. The dark-gray mouse approached the black mouse and asked, “Boss, how can you just let him get away?” The black mouse chuckled and replied, “I’m not, I’m just giving him a head start.”